Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Having trouble finding the words.

If you look down the chain of blog posts to last year you will see that I saw Uganda through a different set of eyes.

This year the words aren't coming as easily.  I feel terrible for the life that I have assembled in the light of the life I know that people are living here.  It has to do with the fact that last year I came to help Johnny with the leather shop.  I spent more time with just him and Johnson.  This time, because of the Hacker Space I have met the Mirembe Cottage girls and have fallen in love with their excitement and smiles.

Yesterday was a very heavy day.  Today I am having trouble finding motivation.  How can I walk around in my over entitled world, knowing what I know.  I watched a TED talk from a wonderful woman in the WHO that summed it up, its a burden of knowledge.  Another great talk talked about seeing these children gives you a disease of the soul.  Sounds powerful, I challenge you to pick up this disease.  It is powerful.

While we have been here Beruit had a bombing that killed 40 people, per the CNN article, and Paris had a terrorist attack.  Similarly there was a school in Kenya shot up and more people died in that attack than died in Paris.  No one reposted their facebook profiles for Beruit or Kenya.  The world turned Blue, White and Red for the Paris attacks.  Was it tragic, certainly.   Is it news worthy, of course.  Should it be all we care about, NO.

This has started an US against Them thread in the American psyche, can't be having "those terrorists" in our country.  Of course, we are the radical extremists that killed a huge portion of the Indigenous North Americans.   Then we setup shop with rule number 1, you can have any religion and speak your mind.  I think that if you are speaking your mind against someone else's religion, you are doing it wrong.

As you can tell, I am angry.  Angry at the fact that we don't want to get along.  Angry that we have this one rock we are all stuck on and we all want to get ahead of one another.  Rising tides float all boats.

So on to what this post is about.  I am calling to everyone that reads this to travel.  See this rock.  See that we aren't alone.  See that American's aren't nearly as free as we think.  See real freedom.  See what people that are feeding us go through to make that happen.  Go see the children.  Go see the temples, the churches, the mosques.  See with your eyes the happiness and pain of life.  Its how I got to where I am in my life, its how I understand that we aren't alone in the world.  7 Billion of us are competing for resources that we could all be easily sharing.

Once you get back home you will have a new appreciation for everything you have.  You might even decide that your 4 bedroom house out in the burbs is pretty posh compared to the 1 room hut your coffee farmer lives in with his wife and 4 kids.

I'm purposefully not putting photos in this post because if you want to see it, you know where to buy tickets.  Go.  See.  Feel.

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